Long time, no post. Sorry about that. I was told that I need to keep up with this thing because of my recent sacrifices due to the lenten time period.
Is it possible to be sick without having the symptoms of a common illness? Well...lately you could probably compare my life to Dallas trafic. A fast, busy rollercoaster that sends all arrays of emotions shooting through your mind. That sounds pretty weird/bad to say about my life, but I mean it by the fact that I have not had a single chance to just sit and do that wonderful thing, that every teenager complains about all through out their days, called Nothing. At this point in my life, Nothing sounds so damn good. Kind of like a cupcake after a long month of dieting and training or even a nice hot shower after being outisde in the rain for a long period of time. I don't know why one would be outisde in the rain for a long period of time, but it was just a comparison to get the point across. You get it.
Anyways, this whole lack of Nothing in my life has caused a serious problem in every situtation. If I, somehow, end up doing Nothing I feel as if I'm doing something wrong and that I need to find something, anything, to occupy my time so that I don't fall behind. I find my mind constantly racing about things that need to get done, things that I need to plan on getting done, or what didn't get done. I guess you could just call this "illness" that I think I've been diagnosed could be referred to as Stress. As insane as it sounds, I wish we could all just say "Oh, Stress. Go away, please. I don't want you anymore. Be gone!" and it would vanish like a puff of smoke. BUT NO. It's there constantly hanging over our heads all the freaking time saying "You think everything is going well? Well here's this and this and this. Oh, and don't forget all of THIS." I know I know I sound like a lunatic typing all of this...but really...there has to be a way to get away from all of this.
I did read this quote one time that went along the lines of saying that the more stressed we are, the less faith we are having in God to take care of us. When I read that quote I began to believe it was true. Sometimes life moves so fast and we get so caught up in everything going on right in front of us that we don't see the one thing we need to see. Faith. It will guide you through anything you need. Thank God for faith. Really.
So now that I've type all this out and ranted about my nothing-even-close-to hard life, I feel better. Maybe I will start writing in this thing more often. Heck, I might even start adding pictures. We'll see.
Happy Friday! Gotta get down on Friday.